Nitrofurantoin 100 mg Tablets

Brand Name: NFT 100 SR

Composition: Nitrofurantoin 100 mg (SR)

SKU: 20998b7c2c71 Categories: ,


Nitrofurantoin 100 mg manufactured by Servocare Lifesecience belongs to the category of Antibacterial or we can also say antibiotic tablets. This tablet is very much essential for the person as it helps in the treatment of servile bacterial; infections such as urinary tract infections. The urine infection shows the symptoms when the bladder is unable to produce the desired amount of urine hence, causing pain while urination. With the effective usage of tablets, it can essentially cure the issue as it attacks the bacteria in an appropriate manner. With this, it is also used in the treatment of kidney infections too. 

Nitrofurantoin 100 mg contains the components that straightly attack the bacteria’s generics and therefore lead to the filtration of the urinary tract cannel. It flushes out the bacteria from it that thereby leading to a decreasing number of bacteria. The intake of the table is important as n it keeps the healthy functioning of the bladder. In the case of kidney infections, it essentially treats the bacteria by reducing the number of their genes. The intake of antibiotic salt is important for the person suffering as this cuts off the presence of germs in the body. 

While the person undergoes the treatment of the Nitrofurantoin 100 mg antibacterial salt, it truly requires some precautions such as avoiding contact with the bacterial environment and taking the dose on time without any of the fun interceptions. There is another element that to be taken care of, and that is, it is mandatory that the patient, must intake the tablets only after the consultation with the doctor so as to have tremendous results. One may feel some noticeable side effects which are, headache, nausea, stomach ache, vomiting, and much more which will not require medical treatment. A pregnant woman should not intake the tablets ay any case and even children are not allowed to intake the salt.

Use of Nitrofurantoin 100 mg Salt Tablets

The salt provides an effective response to the person’s health as this is essentially made only to treat bacterial infection. There are certain areas under the intake dose for positive responses. Below is the mentioned use of the tablet.

  • Helps in curing urinary tract infections.
  • May possibly work against kidney infections too.
  • The appropriate intake of salt is responsible for the breakage of the bond of bacteria. 
  • Is known to cut the genes of bacteria.
  • Is essential required to decrease the number of bacteria.
  • Provides filtration to the bladder.
  • Is beneficial against kidney infections bacteria called susceptible bacteria 

Dose Requirement for Nitrofurantoin 100 mg Salt Tablets

One is required to intake the dose of Nitrofurantoin 100 mg salt tablets as per the instructions of the doctor. It helps in the treatment of several bacterial infections hence one has to take it in a suggested quantity only. There is a specific criterion that has to be followed by the person such as the guidelines as instructed by the doctor. 

Side Effects of Nitrofurantoin 100 mg salt Tablets

The side effects that may occur with the intake of tablets are mentioned below. Although these may not require the medical attention if the effects turn into harsh manner, consultation is important.

  • Nause 
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach
  • Increased lipid profile
  • Liver infection
  • Digestive issues
  • Drowsiness

Precautions for  Nitrofurantoin 100 mg Salt Tablets

There are some precautions that are needed to be followed by the person, these are mentioned below.

  • One has to intake the dose on time.
  • If allergic reactions occur, inform the doctor immediately.
  • It is not suitable for the intake of pregnant women.
  • Should not be forced on children.
  • A double dose can cause immediate effects.


Nitrofurantoin 100 mg Salt Tablets have to be stored in a cool and dry place with no contact with sunlight.

Note- Nitrofurantoin 100 mg Salt Tablet is only the external use only. 

Disclaimer-  Nitrofurantoin 100 mg Salt Tablet are not recommended by us, for use contact the clinician and follow their instructions. 

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